Monday, December 26, 2022

#282 Confessing Seven Deadly Sins

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm going to keep my post simple this week and share some more prayers that I've written for use in church. Over the past couple months I tried writing some prayers of confession based on the Christian tradition of the seven deadly sins (pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, sloth). These sins are relatable and convicting because they deal with our hearts—our feelings, desires, and thoughts. While we can maybe tell ourselves we avoid stealing, it's pretty hard to say there's no greed or envy in our lives. I don't know that these prayers turned out quite as well as my prayers of confession based on the Ten Commandments, but hopefully they're still helpful in getting us to recognize our sinfulness, turn to Christ for forgiveness, and seek to live new lives through His power.

Heavenly Father, we confess before you that our hearts and lives are filled with pride. We brag about our abilities and achievements and do not acknowledge all your blessings and gifts to us. We deny our sins and faults so that we can believe that we deserve all that we want. We think that we are always right; we tell ourselves that our desires and concerns are more important than others’. We turn away from you, foolishly believing that we know better than you what is good and right for us. Please forgive us. Teach us humility so that we may recognize our dependence on you, care for others, and glorify your holy name. Through Jesus, who humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross for our salvation. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we confess before you the envy that lurks in our hearts and minds. We are envious of each other’s possessions―houses, vehicles, clothing, jewelry, tools, and toys. We want others’ success or talent or popularity or power all to ourselves. We complain that our looks, our relationships, our church, our job aren’t as good as what others have. Please forgive us. Teach us to desire and seek our neighbors’ well-being, and motivate us to celebrate their joys and triumphs with them. Make us grateful for all that you give us. Through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we confess before you that we are guilty of the sin of gluttony. At times we overindulge: eating too much, getting drunk, demanding delicacies and luxuries instead of being satisfied with meeting our needs. We waste food and drink while others do not have enough. Please forgive us. Teach us self-control. Empower us to gratefully enjoy your good gifts and be satisfied whenever we have enough. Help us learn to deny ourselves, abstain from excess, and care for those who hunger and thirst. In the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on us sinners. Lust and impurity infect our imaginations and twist our desires. We confess our wandering minds and our lingering, longing stares. We fantasize about sex with people on our screens and down the street. We reduce others to their bodies and treat them like objects to use for our own pleasure. We make crude comments, turn to pornography, and pressure each other because we don’t control our desires. Please forgive us. Purify our thoughts and desires so that we honor you with our bodies. Empower us to live chaste lives, to enjoy your good gift of sex only within marriage, and to protect our own relationships as well as others’. Through Jesus our Savior. Amen.

Patient and merciful Father, we confess before you our sinful anger. So often we grow irritated and upset at others and lash out at them with hurtful words and even violent actions. We harbor hatred in our hearts and hold tightly to grudges, seeking ways that we can get even with those we dislike and those we think have wronged us. We become bitter and cranky when life doesn’t go according to our plans or expectations. Please forgive us. Teach us to be patient when things don’t go our way and not blow things out of proportion. Fill us with mercy for others and make us willing to forgive and show love. Thank you for your grace to us in Jesus our Savior. Amen.

Heavenly Father, have mercy on us. We confess that we are greedy people who often are not satisfied. We love money and often desire more and more than we need. We hoard wealth for ourselves while others struggle. We own more toys and clothes and tools and furnishings than we use and sometimes even more than we ever could use, and yet we still want and buy and ask for extra possessions. Please forgive us. Teach us to live simply and gratefully. Make us generous in sharing and giving to others. Help us put our wealth and possessions to good use for your kingdom, imitating Jesus our Savior who graciously became poor for our sake. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we confess that we often do not do good things we should do because we are lazy. We make excuses because we do not want to help others with difficult or time-consuming work. We ignore opportunities to bless others with our service or friendship or encouragement because we figure others will do it. We don’t seek you in prayer or spend time in your Word as we should because it’s easier to entertain ourselves. Please forgive us. Make us diligent in doing good and loving others and walking with you so that we may show you gratitude for your great love for us in Jesus our Savior. Amen.

Grace and peace,

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