Thursday, December 22, 2022

#281 From the Future

As a pastor, a lot of my work each week is focused on the next Sunday. I'm writing a sermon and preparing other parts of worship, keeping in mind what part of the church year we're in. Sunday is so much on my mind that it sometimes feels almost like I'm living in the future. Normally being a few days ahead doesn't make much of a difference, but lately it's been a little tough. See, this next Sunday is Christmas Day. So my mind keeps thinking that it's Christmas, only to realize that there's something like five more days to go.

(A somewhat similiar, though less disappointing, thing happens right before Easter Sunday. I spend all of Holy Week writing my Easter sermon, thinking about the resurrection. Suddenly Good Friday hits, and I have to jump back to the crucifixion. It's jarring, but at least I've spent the whole week reassuring myself that Jesus lives again and is alive forever and ever.)

Now I don't only share this to give you a strange insight into the life of the pastor. I think there's something about this idea of living out of the future that relates to the Christian life. As Christians we believe we are citizens of God's kingdom. In some ways God's kingdom is here now, but in other ways we are still waiting for God's kingdom to fully come when Jesus returns. Then all other kingdoms will be done away with and disappear forever. We Christians are called to live the life of the kingdom now, to live according to God's standards of love and faithfulness, mercy and justice in the present day, even though our world so often doesn't operate that way yet. In this way we are a witness to Christ and the future that He is bringing. God has made His people new creations even as we wait for Him to make all things new. God is preparing believers for our future now. Through His power, let's live into what He calls us to be.

Grace and peace,

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