Monday, December 5, 2022

#279 Chatterbox

Lanie has long been a talkative little girl. Once she started talking, she never really stopped. Mia, however, seemed different. She understood what others were talking about, but she didn't seem interested in saying much. As far as we could tell, she was content to let her big sister do the talking. Then Lanie went to kindergarten. Suddenly Mia had her mom (and her dad on Mondays) all to herself for a huge portion of the week. It didn't take long for Mia to find her voice. This summer we could hardly get more than three words out of the girl. Now she's answering us in complete sentences and chattering away whether anyone's listening or not. Today Mia and I ended up sitting in the car for 15-20 minutes, waiting to pick up Tess from a doctor appointment after we'd dropped Lanie off at school. (Lanie had a late start this morning.) I think Mia talked the entire time we waited. I couldn't figure out exactly what she was jabbering about most of the time, but I don't think she cared. I guess she just likes the sound of her own voice.

Grace and peace,

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