Monday, January 16, 2023

#283 Heavenly Dessert

And we're back! The last couple weeks have been a whirlwind, and the time between posts became quite a bit longer than I intended. Oh well. Let's kick off the new year with a post that some of you might be tempted to take too seriously.

While back in Wisconsin for Christmas, Tess and I got some custard. I think custard is phenomenal. Ice cream is great, but custard is creamier and smoother and richer. So I started thinking about when the kingdom fully comes. I wonder if all of our ice cream will be transformed into custard (or something like it)—even more scrumptious than we can comprehend at this point. When we sit at the table for God's heavenly banquet, the wedding supper of the Lamb, we may very well have custard for (part of) our dessert. Now you may be thinking, Hold on. What about those people who prefer frozen yogurt? Will they eat custard, too? And, dear reader, the answer is simple: Of course they will; God will have fixed them by then.

Grace and peace,

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