Monday, November 1, 2021

#235 Appreciation

We've reached the month of November, which means I'll start breathing a little bit easier. See, October is pastors' appreciation month, and every year October makes me a little uncomfortable. Now don't get me wrong: the people in the churches I've served have been wonderful to me overall. I've received nice cards with thoughtful notes and even gifts. It feels good to be appreciated. I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm complaining about these acts of love. They are fantastic, and I'm very grateful for them.

But despite my gratitude, there's a few things that make me uncomfortable. For one thing, being a pastor is my job. I get paid to do this. It feels strange to me that I get this special honor once a year, but I doubt that my mail carrier or my auto mechanic or my dentist do. (At least I'm not aware of a special time of year when I should send them a card.) I don't think my line of work is better than anybody else's.

For another thing, I am far from the only person who does things at my local church. There are plenty of others who serve, and almost none of them get paid. I feel guilty that I get attention for doing my job while so many others get far less recognition for volunteering. I try to thank others for the things that they do, but the whole thing still doesn't seem quite fair to me. (I suppose I'm the person who should do something about that.)

Finally, I feel a little uneasy about pastors' appreciation month being this set and public thing. I really am touched that other members of my church appreciate my work and want to let me know, but I worry that some might feel sort of pressured to let me know that. Plus, the moment of "Hey, everyone, let's look at and talk about Brian" leaves me feeling uncomfortable. I understand that my job requires a fair amount of being in the public eye, but I think that if I'm doing things right the focus should not be on me.

I don't think we need to get rid of pastor appreciation completely. Again, I really am thankful for the affirmation and love I receive. But let's not forget to appreciate others, too. And please understand if the pastor feels just a little uncomfortable.

Grace and peace,

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