Monday, March 16, 2020

#168 Separation

If you need a Mia update, here's a quick one: Mia is still doing well overall. Since last week she has gained a little weight (over 5 lb. now!) and has made some improvements with her eating. However, she still is not eating everything by mouth. We are getting closer, but Mia is still in the NICU for now.

This past week has been tough. Two weeks ago Lanie came down with a cold and ended up going to stay with her grandparents in Wisconsin. Last week we got a healthy Lanie back on Monday. Tess and I were so excited to all be together again. Tuesday we spent the day in and around the hospital. I even got a few minutes to snuggle with both of my girls. On Wednesday morning we showed up at the hospital and found out that Lanie was no longer allowed due to new visitor restrictions meant to reduce the spread of coronavirus. (Note: we understand why these policies are important) Tess and I were blindsided by the news. Lanie didn't understand why she couldn't see her sister. So Tess and I settled into living in shifts: I would spend time in the hospital with Mia while Tess stayed at the Ronald McDonald House with Lanie, and then we would switch. This sort of worked, but it was really difficult. We lost out on a lot of things we were able to do with Lanie at the hospital, and Tess and I got basically no time together. We made it to the weekend, when Lanie and I went back to Kanawha so I could preach on Sunday. Moving forward, Tess and I had a very undesirable choice: either she and I lived almost separate lives for the rest of the time Mia is in the NICU, or we made other arrangements for Lanie and spent even more time away from her. Either way felt like losing part of ourselves. We decided the best option was giving Lanie more time with her grandparents, which is probably for the best because the Ronald McDonald House now has to implement new, stricter policies as well. (Note: again, we understand why these policies are important) But we miss Lanie. We wish she was with us. We're ready for the four of us to be together. We're ready to go home.

Grace and peace,

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