Tuesday, January 2, 2018

#68 Blood

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had wonderful holidays.

We had a blood drive today in Kanawha. In fact, we have a blood drive on the first Tuesday of every odd month. The staff and volunteers are very friendly and caring. They are also on the ball when it comes to scheduling. I basically have a standing appointment around 4:00 for every blood drive, and I know many others that have a similar setup. At this point, I've given the equivalent of 10 pints in Kanawha. I've gotten used to giving blood, and I've come to more or less enjoy it. Having a needle stuck in your arm isn't the most pleasant experience, but it's not too uncomfortable. The screening process can take some time, but the donation itself is pretty quick. And afterwards there's always snacks. As a pastor in a small town, a blood drive gives me the opportunity to be visible in the community and interact with quite a few of my neighbors. I really appreciate those connections.

When it comes down to it, giving blood is a pretty easy way to help other people. Your body naturally replenishes what you donate, and donation is not very invasive at all. The American Red Cross says that someone in the U.S. needs blood every 2 seconds. About 38% of the U.S. population is eligible to give blood, but only about 10% of eligible people donate. I only gave blood a couple of times before moving to Iowa, and I really regret not doing it more regularly. If you're able to donate blood, please do so. Find a blood drive in your area and make an appointment. You can probably even walk in at a blood drive. Giving blood is a moneyless way of giving to those in need. And if you aren't able to give blood, consider volunteering or donating money to the Red Cross or a similar organization. There are lots of ways that we can love our neighbors. I think giving blood is a simple and impactful way to love others. If you can, I think you should try it.

Grace and peace,

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