Monday, November 13, 2017

#62 The Cranky Mathematician Strikes Again

I've covered some heavy topics in my blog over the past few weeks, so I think it's time for a shorter and lighter post. As a mathematics major, I am quite particular about using numbers in an appropriate and accurate way. So occasionally I use this blog to rant about some little thing that really bothers me, even though most people probably never consider it. This is the third installment in this series.

I can't stand it when people make up large numbers, such as "zillion" or "bajillion." (Wikipedia helpfully refers to such terms as "indefinite and fictitious numbers" or "non-numerical vague quantifiers.") What, is the literally infinite amount of numbers that exist in our world not enough for you? Are you too lazy to come up with a real number? If you tell me that you baked 17 bajillion cookies, I'll roll my eyes at you. If you tell me that you baked 17,452,739,214,805 (that's 17 trillion, 452 billion, 739 million, 214 thousand, 805) cookies, I will be very, very impressed. We're not running out of numbers, kids. Let's be creative!

Grace and peace,

P.S. Despite my crankiness, I am feeling a bit generous, so I will tolerate the use of the smaller fictitious number "umpteen." Don't push it, though.

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