Monday, March 20, 2017

#32 Minesweeper

This weekend our youth group fasted for thirty hours for World Renew's FAST Forward program. When we weren't collecting food for the local food bank, doing Bible studies, or having worship times, we played some games. One of these games simulated the dangers people in many parts of the world face as they cross fields littered with unexploded ammunition to gather food. One member of each team had to walk blindfolded through a "field" of styrofoam cups while another member of the team guided them. If the scavenger touched a cup, they had to put down whatever they had picked up, and the next person on the team took over.

At the end of the game, my team and the team next to us were both gathering our final can of food. By the time my teammate started, the other team was just about on their way back. I quickly guided my teammate to the can. We were in total sync. He passed cup after cup without a problem. When he turned around to come back, the other team was almost halfway back. I started yelling out directions to "take big steps" and "just go!" Bit by bit we hauled in the other team, bounding over and around cups with ease. With the two scavengers nearly neck and neck a few feet from the finish, I instructed my teammate to jump forward, and he just beat out the other team. We screamed and jumped and hugged each other in wild celebration of our victory. Finally, I thought, we won a game! What a comeback! I basked in the glow of this triumph for a few hours until we reviewed the scores at the end of the weekend. It turns out, the third team had finished collecting their items a couple minutes before us. We had been totally oblivous. Here I had made a fool of myself celebrating over just another game we lost. We'll see if I live this one down.

Grace and peace,

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