Monday, April 17, 2023

#293 Easter Relief

Ask pretty much any pastor—pretty much any person involved in planning and leading worship for that matter—and they'll tell you that the time leading up to Easter Sunday is busy. Between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday I feel like I lock in, spending less time on visiting and more time on worship preparations, focused on helping my congregation retrace Jesus' journey through death to life once again. As much as possible I try to move other business until after Easter Sunday because the extra services and gatherings take over my schedule. The week tends to go by in a blur.

Once Easter Sunday comes I feel like I can relax and breathe a little easier. And I think that's exactly the way I should feel. There is nothing more important or more wonderful or more reassuring than Christ's victory over sin and death and all the powers of evil. Easter is a constant reminder that Jesus has secured eternal salvation for His people. We Christians don't need to be afraid, no matter what may come, because nothing can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus. Now it's true that we celebrate Easter a bit every single Sunday when we gather for worship. I shouldn't unnecessarily stress myself out at any time of year. But somehow the Easter good news seems to click a little more clearly for me each spring. Thank God for the hope and joy and peace He gives!

Grace and peace,

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