Monday, July 4, 2022

#262 VBS

The church I serve hosted Vacation Bible School last week. Four days in a row, I came back after my normal work activities to help out with all the kids for the evening. I, like all the other adult volunteers, was pretty tired by the end of the week, but the week was great for a couple different reasons.

First, as a pastor, it's really nice to be a part of a church event that I had basically no part in planning and wasn't responsible for. I came and helped out in different ways each night, and I was happy to do so. But I especially enjoyed watching other people use their gifts in ways that I don't get to see every week. Different people from church led singing, told Bible stories, organized games, supervised crafts, led groups of kids, and served meals. Since I wasn't in charge, I had wonderful opportunities to see church members at work, serving God and others. That warms my heart.

Second, watching the kids experience VBS is a lot of fun. There's always a few that are nervous—at least the first day—but most of the kids are just excited. They eagerly learn new songs and actions and are so proud to demonstrate for their parents at the end of the week. The kids soak up Bible stories and remember what happened from day to day. They jump into crafts and games and can't wait to tell any listening adult about all the cool things they've been doing. I think most of the adults who come to worship each week are happy enough, but the kids coming to VBS just bubble over with energy and enthusiasm. Watching the kids light up as they make connections and learn about Christ Jesus is a beautiful thing.

Long story short, VBS week was wonderful.

Grace and peace,

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