Monday, May 31, 2021

#220 I've Had It!

In our church's sanctuary there are a few chairs behind the pulpit. My daughters like to come up there and sit on my lap during the prelude on Sunday mornings, but Tess does not want to sit up front with our young, noisy, restless kids. So just before the service began yesterday, Tess took Mia and tried to lead her up the aisle to their normal seat in the back of the sanctuary. Mia's walking these days, so she started tottering along after Tess. However, about halfway, Mia decided she was DONE walking. She lowered herself onto all fours, buried her head in the carpet and started crying loudly. Tess tried to offer some verbal encouragement. That didn't work. A man sitting near where Mia stopped tried to come over and say hello. Mia just yelled even louder. Finally, with every head in the building turned toward Mia, Tess had to walk back a few rows and scoop her off the floor. But what did Mia care? She didn't have to walk any farther. I suppose it's nice to be a toddler.

Grace and peace,

Monday, May 24, 2021

#219 Still Ready to Party

Back in April 2019 (Post #124), I wrote about Party Mix, the playlist I'd originally made for my 25th birthday party. I've been listening to and expanding Party Mix for five years now, continuing to add new artists that I discover and enjoy as well new releases from artists I've been following for years. With a Spotify subscription and a personality that takes great joy in mixing up what I listen to in the hopes of stumbling upon something great I've never heard before, I have access to way more great music than I could ever listen to regularly. So I've found that Party Mix is beginning to act sort of like a living time capsule. It stores all the stuff I've been listening to lately, but it also holds treasures that I played on repeat three or ten years ago but don't throw on quite as often anymore. So Party Mix is always a fun listening experience, unpredictably toggling between my current jams and tracks that bring back great memories. More and more Party Mix is becoming my go-to when I'm driving. It's almost impossible to not be in a good mood when I'm  cruising around with song after song that makes me want to turn it up. Party on.

Grace and peace,

Monday, May 17, 2021

#218 Puppies?

Mia, my one-year-old daughter, really likes puppies. Whether from seeing dogs or hearing her family members imitate them, Mia has figured out that one of things puppies do is pant. When she sees a dog in a book or hears one around town, she'll pant and point. (Mia's not using words yet, and I guess barking must be a bit too difficult.) A couple weeks ago our family went to the zoo while on vacation. We pointed out all sorts of animals to Mia—giraffes, rhinos, alligators, monkeys, bears, seals, and so on. Pretty much without fail, Mia would look at each new animal and pant. It's impossible to know for sure what's going on in Mia's developing mind. I don't know if she thinks all animals are puppies or if she thinks all animals pant or what. All I can say is that Mia makes an interesting companion at the zoo.

Grace and peace,

Monday, May 10, 2021

#217 Hometown Hunger

My hometown, Waupun, WI, is the only place in the world where I can get my favorite pizza. Tony's Pizza has been a Waupun staple for three generations. Outside of my own family's dishes, Tony's is the taste that makes me feel most at home. Tony's is not a pizza for the faint of heart. The crust isn't exactly thin, but it's not terribly thick. A generous layer of rich red sauce is slathered nearly to the edge. And then there's the cheese. If you've never had Tony's, picture the cheesiest pizza you've ever eaten. Now double that amount of cheese. (This is Wisconsin pizza!) The amount of cheese on this pizza should probably be measured in pounds, but it somehow doesn't drown out the taste of the sauce. Any toppings are distributed generously to complete the blend of flavors. The whole thing is cooked to golden perfection, with the crust just beginning to crisp and the cheese on the edges just beginning to brown. Tony's is comfort food, filling every corner of your stomach. There are traditional pizza sizes, and then there's the party-size football. Look at this beauty:

The greatest works of art aren't framed -- they're eaten.
(Actual caption from the Tony's Pizza Facebook page.)

For me, piping-hot Tony's is pizza perfection. I try to get some whenever I'm back in Waupun. There's no taste like home.

Grace and peace,