Monday, November 23, 2020

#196 Early Thanksgiving

Here in the U.S. Thanksgiving is coming. We're only three days away from celebrating. I really like Thanksgiving Day. I need reminders to be thankful, and as a pastor I want thankfulness to be a regular part of the lives of the people I minister with and to. Having a full day dedicated to thankfulness—at least in theory—is great. While having a Thursday (and for many people a Friday) off of work doesn't help me as much as some others, I still appreciate the long weekend and the break from the normal routine.

But I also wish Thanksgiving Day came at a different time of the year. Being a pastor, I think a lot about church celebrations and tend to be planning a little bit ahead. By the end of November my mind has switched over to Advent, thinking about getting ready to celebrate Christmas and making sure we don't lose sight of our hope for Jesus' return. While I think a special service dedicated to thanksgiving is fantastic, in some ways it feels like it makes the already busy season leading up to Christmas last even longer. I would be in favor of moving Thanksgiving just a week or two earlier in November. It would free me up to focus a little more on Thanksgiving, and allow me a chance to catch my breath before diving into Advent and Christmas. (I remember from school that Pres. FDR tried this at one point, but it didn't go over very well.) But I know it's not all about me. So I'll continue to be grateful for a day focused on giving thanks, but I ask that you cut me a little slack if I seem a bit scatterbrained this week. Part of my mind is already in Advent.

Grace and peace,

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