Monday, April 6, 2020

#171 Reading and Thinking

Pastor life is different without having worship services in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings. For the past few weeks I haven't seen the other members of our congregation during sermons or post-worship coffee time or even home visits during the rest of the week. It's been weird. Like many other pastors and churches I've been trying to come up with new and/or different ways to stay in touch with church members. I would not claim to have legendary creativity, especially now when we have a new baby at home, but I've landed on something that I think is working okay. Back in the middle of February, before society came crashing to a halt, our church started printing suggested daily Bible readings in the bulletin in an effort to encourage continued spiritual growth among our members. We're about halfway through a roughly 100-day plan that hops around Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for an overview of Jesus' ministry. So for each day I've been recording a video of myself reading that day's passage and then offering a brief comment on something that stood out to me in the reading. I keep things simple and don't do any research, but I find that making the videos helps me think about each passage a little more deeply than I might if I was simply reading them. I hope that my little videos are beneficial for whoever watches them, but at least I know they're helping me get deeper into God's Word.

Grace and peace,

P.S. If you're interested, you can find my videos on Kanawha CRC's Facebook page or YouTube channel.

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