Saturday, December 14, 2019

#154 Let Henry Cavill Play Superman!

As you likely know, dear readers, I am a big Superman fan. So today let's talk about this guy:
That's Henry Cavill. He played Superman in 2013's Man of Steel, 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and 2017's Justice League. I think Henry is a fantastic Superman. He's got the classic look and physique. He's charismatic and talented. And that dude LOVES Superman. A week or two ago Henry was making the rounds doing interviews for his new Netflix show, The Witcher. Again and again he talked about how much he'd like to make more Superman movies. He's got story ideas. He's got passion. He's even—as far as I understand—still got a movie left on his original Superman contract. I would LOVE to see another Superman movie starring Henry Cavill. I'm confident he would do an excellent job.

But there's a problem. Warner Bros., the studio behind Superman movies, was not happy with the performance and reception of Cavill's Superman movies. Word on the street is that they'd like to wait for a while and then start over with a new actor.

I just have a little blog. It's not likely that anyone from Warner Bros. will see what I write. But I'm still posting in support of Henry Cavill. I really, really, really enjoyed his Superman movies, even if others didn't. But here's the thing: criticisms about story and tone are not Cavill's fault. That's not his job as an actor. (In fact, as I understand, the response to Cavill has been very positive overall.) If Warner Bros. wants to make different Superman movies, great! So does Henry. He'll tell you that he'd love to explore different possibilities. But, you ask, will audiences be able to handle a somewhat different take on the same character by the same actor? Um, yeah. James Bond movies do this all the time. Look at the recent Daniel Craig movies. Quantum of Solace was a hot mess? No worries, Skyfall is a smash. Spectre has some issues. That's okay, push forward with No Time to Die. Let's treat Superman the same way. Let Henry Cavill make more Superman movies. He knows the part. He's become a star. And he respects and really gets the character. So here's to you, Henry. You're still MY Superman. I'm pulling for you.

Grace and peace,

P.S. To follow up on post #152, Lanie did get to build her snowman. Check it out:

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