Monday, October 31, 2016

#12 Words, Words, Words

I've never thought of myself as a very verbal person. I was a math major in college. Except for when I'm with family and my closest friends, I'm normally pretty content to just sit and listen in group settings. In school I was always happier taking tests where I could spit back facts than writing essays where I had to put things into my own words.

But now, it seems, my whole life revolves around words. I am constantly searching for the right words. I'm leading profession of faith class discussions and trying to carefully explain what we believe about mysteries such as the Trinity and the incarnation. I'm visiting with church members and neighbors and trying to pick the right thing to say to prove that I'm listening and understanding them. I'm carefully crafting emails in the hopes that I can get my message across without being misinterpreted. I'm agonizing over my sermon, desperately trying to explain the gospel in a way that's engaging and faithful to my Scripture passage. Even writing this blog can sometimes feel like communication exercise.

Overall, I think the newly more verbal Brian is developing pretty well. I'm getting more comfortable with all the speaking and writing, and I think I'm getting better at explaining things in terms that other people can understand. However, by the time Monday rolls around each week, I'm pretty worn out. Thankfully, I get a full day of recovery and relative silence before putting a few thoughts together for this blog. So if I you find me to be a little quiet or slow to respond, don't worry. I'm just trying to find the right words.

Grace and peace,

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