Monday, September 19, 2016

#6 The End Is Not the End

Yesterday afternoon I was ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church in North America, which means I have now officially become the pastor of Kanawha Christian Reformed Church. The day was a lot of fun. I preached in the morning; then the congregation celebrated with a potluck. During the afternoon service I pledged, with the Spirit's help, to serve Jesus Christ and His church. Pastor Frank, my classis-appointed mentor, led a time of prayer, and elders and pastors laid their hands on me. Tess and I greeted visitors and family and friends after church, and we continued celebrating over dessert. The whole experience was pretty surreal. I've finally reached the goal of my formal education. We even took celebratory pictures.

Tess and me in front of the church

My sister Molly, my parents, and my grandma came for the celebration.

Our friends Kathryn, Eric, and Lindsay also came out for the ordination.

But as fun as yesterday was, it was really more of a beginning than an ending. What I've been looking forward to all this time isn't so much the end of my time of preparation but the beginning of my career of ministry. In some ways I'm just continuing the work that I've already been doing here, but things have changed. Now when I bring a message from God's Word, my speaking is technically preaching and no longer exhorting. Now I am authorized to administer the sacraments of baptism and communion. Now I have been entrusted with the privilege of raising my hands and giving God's blessing to God's people.

As I enter the pastorate, I think that this is quite the calling. To be honest, I feel terribly unworthy. But it really doesn't matter what I think. This is where I have felt God leading me, and though His church He has told me that I am ready to take up this work. The time is now. When I made profession of faith, my pastor wrote me a note that included a few verses from 2 Timothy 1. Verse 6 always stood out to me: "For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands." That charge has never felt more real and weighty to me than right now. Thankfully, I don't decide if I am qualified, nor am I alone in this ministry. The very next verse of 2 Timothy says, "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." Like Timothy, I am a young man at the beginning of the adventurous journey of ministry, and like Timothy, I have the Spirit with me to lead me, comfort me, challenge me, and defend me. Praise God for that!

Grace and peace,


  1. I am so excited and happy for you. Depending on what my summer looks like and how many weeks I'm in the states, maybe I could stage a road trip out there... hmmmmmm

  2. Thanks, Holli! We would love to see you after being way out of your way the past couple summers. And if a road trip doesn't work, maybe we could meet you somewhere in the middle for a day.
