Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#5 Judgment Day

Today was my examination before Classis North Central Iowa. This was the last step in my journey to becoming ordained as a minister of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. The exam had three stages. First, I was asked practical questions about my life, my sense of calling, and how I would respond to different situations in ministry. Second, two pastors reviewed an assigned Old Testament sermon that I preached a few weeks ago, as well as manuscripts for a New Testament sermon and a Heidelberg Catechism sermon that I chose to submit. Third, I was asked questions about my biblical and theological knowledge. After a number of general questions about some of the basics of our faith, I was asked some more specific questions about topics such as a Christian response to persons who identify as LGBTQ+, different views of creation, and how to handle this year's election as a pastor. Overall, the exam went really well, and I am really pleased to report that I sustained my examination.

Talking through the practical section of the exam

Receiving the results with Tess
So this is it. I've been actively working to become a minister for the past three years, and now I've fulfilled all of my requirements. It's all over except for the upcoming celebration of my ordination on Sunday. For the most part, I have really enjoyed this journey, but I am also pretty relieved that it's over. I've felt called to be a minister for eight or nine years, so it is very reassuring to have that sense of calling affirmed by both the local congregation and the broader church. Since I began seminary in 2013, I have learned a lot about God and about myself, about what we believe and about caring for others. God has been incredibly good to me throughout this journey, and I'm excited to see how He will use me as I begin a career of professional ministry. To God alone be the glory!

To close, I'll leave you with the text of the Classical Diploma I was given after the exam:
This certifies that Brian Hofman, having been examined by Classis North Central Iowa in the presence of the deputies representing synod, is sound in faith and qualified for the work of Christian ministry.
After a favorable decision by this classis and with the concurrence of the synodical deputies, the candidate is hereby declared qualified for and is admitted to the sacred ministry of the Word in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. In witness whereof we have caused this diploma to be signed by the president and clerk of this session of classis and have affixed the seal of this classis hereto on this 13th day of September in the year of our Lord 2016.
May the King of the church cause His servant to be a blessing--that the church may be edified, sinners may be led to conversion, and the glory of the triune God may be promoted.

Grace and peace,


  1. Thanking and praising God! May God lead you as you begin ministry in Iowa. Prayers continue. Love Don and Joanne

  2. Thanking and praising God! May God lead you as you begin ministry in Iowa. Prayers continue. Love Don and Joanne

    1. Thanks, Joanne and Don! Tess and I miss you two. We hope things are going well in the Pacific NW.

  3. Celebrating God's blessings in your life, Brian! I recall when you were a student here at CWC and feeling God's tug and pull (a hot iron in the soul I believe were your words!!) in this direction for your life. May the Lord bless you and Tess and the Kanawha CRC abundantly as you grow God's Kingdom there. You've been a blessing to many and we are excited to see what God has in store for you.

    In Christ!
    Isaiah 55:8-13

    1. Thanks, Z! I really appreciate how you made time to listen and encourage me when I was wrestling with this sense of call as a high school student. That passage from Isaiah 55 is a great comfort, too. Even when my words fall to the ground, the Word that I am called to proclaim will never fail.
