Monday, May 8, 2023

#295 You Will See My Life through Your Eyes as Your Life Will Be Seen through Mine

We have a baby boy at our house! Jeremiah Brian Hofman was born on Wednesday, May 3. His birth was not nearly as surprising and stressful as Mia's birth, but it was eventful enough in its own way. Jeremiah was due on May 27, so he was born about three weeks early. Tess's blood pressure had gone up the previous Saturday, which put us on alert. Jeremiah continued to seem fine, so we were hoping to make it at least another week so that he could be considered full term. But on Wednesday Tess went in to meet with the surgeon and was informed that she was going to have a baby that day. I was home with Mia. Tess called me, came back to get me and some things, and about two and a half hours later we had baby boy. It wasn't as quick as the process with Mia, and I didn't feel so overwhelmed this time around, but this was still definitely not how Tess and I had planned things. Jeremiah weigned in at 5 pounds, 4 ounces, so he's pretty little. He's been on a special blue blanket/pad thing for the past couple days to combat a little jaundice, but we were able to stay in here in Le Mars, and he came home just three days after birth. We are very grateful to God for our healthy baby boy. God has answered many prayers.

We are still praying for growth and development for Jeremiah. He seems to be eating pretty well, but we'll feel better once he puts on a little weight and fits into his diapers better. Lanie and Mia are adjusting to having a little brother, and Tess and I are getting used to being outnumbered. Things are still in flux at the Hofman house, but God is good, and we are beyond happy.

Grace and peace,

P.S. This post's title comes from Superman the Movie.

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