Monday, November 14, 2022

#277 Adventures in Baptizing

Yesterday, I preached at a different church. In our classis (regional group of churches), we pastors take turns filling in at churches that are between pastors. It's a good system. I get to meet some church members at one of our sister congregations, and they have a week where they don't need to find a preacher. The change of pace is almost certainly good for me and the church I serve. Plus, as an ordained minister, I can administer the sacraments at the other church.

So yesterday I baptized a baby at this different church. I've performed a handful of baptisms in my career, but baptizing a baby the day I met her and her parents was a new one for me. This little girl was a sweetheart. She was a little bit confused when I took her from her dad and told her, "For you Jesus came into the world. For you He died and conquered death. He did all this for you little one, though you know nothing of yet. We love because God first loved us." She started to fuss as I moved her over to the baptismal font. When I put the water on her forehead and said, "I baptize you in the name of the Father," she stopped and stared, giving me time to put the water on her head two more times: "and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." Then I gave her back to her dad.

I'm sure this baby won't remember yesterday. I don't know if her parents will tell her the story and explain why an unknown pastor baptized her. But I won't forget her. I pray that she grows to believe in Jesus Christ, accepting the promises God made to her in her baptism. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet her again down the road.

Grace and peace,

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