Monday, May 16, 2022

#256 Miracle Monday

Happy Miracle Monday, everyone! It's the third Monday in May, the day of the climax of Elliot S! Maggin's 1981 Superman novel, Miracle Monday.

In the days leading up to the first Miracle Monday, Metropolis (and the world at large) had been terrorized by a demon named C. W. Saturn, who was desperately trying to corrupt Earth's greatest champion of good, Superman. But on Miracle Monday Superman was able to turn the tables on his foe, achieving victory while proving that he would not give in to evil. When Superman triumphed over C. W. Saturn, all the chaos the demon had created was undone, leaving Superman as the only one who truly remembered what had happened. But the people of Earth, sensing that something great and wonderful had happened (even if they couldn't recall or understand what), started to celebrate the third Monday of May every year, naming it "Miracle Monday."

So, yeah, Miracle Monday is a fictional holiday from an obscure superhero novel. But it's also a great Superman story, an exciting tale of the triumph of good over evil, highlighting Superman's greatest strength: the courage to never give up doing the right thing. That strength enables him to often do things that seem impossible and overcome challenges that seem insurmountable. And that makes for stories worth reading and remembering and being inspired by. Plus, what else is a Superman fan with a Monday blog going to write about? Until next time, keep fighting the good fight, even if it seems like a never-ending battle.

Grace and peace,

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