Monday, July 15, 2019

#137 Best of Both Worlds

When I have time to myself I really enjoy reading Superman comics. I also really enjoy watching my beloved Milwaukee Brewers. (If you've read my blog in the past, you've likely picked up on those two things.) Doing either of those things makes for a happy Brian. But here's the best thing: I can read comics and watch baseball at the same time. Baseball games have natural lulls between pitches, to say nothing of the commercial breaks at every pitching change and half-inning, so there's lots of little gaps for reading. Most of the comics I read do not have overly complicated plots, so I don't miss much—if anything—by reading in spurts, enabling me to pause to catch all the action in the game. It's beautiful. At the end of the day, it's hard to beat sitting in my La-Z-Boy with a Supes trade paperback in my hands and the Brew Crew on the TV. In those moments I feel that life is good.

Grace and peace,

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