Monday, May 13, 2019

#130 Jam Sessions

As a college student I played guitar a lot. That's probably not incredibly unusual. Tons of college students play guitar. I regularly played for a few different campus ministries, which was great. I'd often pull my guitar out in my dorm room and play for a while to unwind or pass the time. My friend Ryan (or, as we called him, John Ryan "Ken 'the Animal' Jennings" Lindemulder) developed this ridiculous medley that we spent quite a bit of time figuring out and practicing on our guitars. (Come to think of it, that medley would make for a good blog post in the future.) That was an amazing experience.

But probably the most fun I had playing guitar in college was during jam sessions. Every so often a few of my friends and I would head outside at night and sit around on some picnic tables and play anything and everything we could figure out how to play off the top of our heads. My friend Leah (or, as we called her, LL Cool Laky) was my most frequent collaborator. We had such good times playing and singing. One of us would lead and the rest of us would listen and watch and figure out how best to join in. Time simply flew by during these jam sessions as we played song after song after song and different friends came and went. I remember crisp nights where I'd have to warm up my hands by breathing on them in between songs, wondering how long I could last before it turned too cold for my guitar. I remember passing a guitar around when somebody else came along and knew how to play a song the rest of us didn't. But mostly I remember thinking that those nights were the best nights in the world. I think I was probably right then. So if anyone wants to jam, just let me know. I'm ready.

Grace and peace,

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