Monday, January 28, 2019

#116 Pretties

Each morning I play the game Flow Free on my phone. (Actually, I have a few versions of Flow Free on my phone, but that's not very important.) If you don't know, Flow Free is a puzzle game where you fill the board by connecting dots that are the same color. Here's an example of a solved puzzle:

The daily puzzles normally take me a couple minutes to solve. I enjoy the logic of figuring out the solution and the satisfaction of completing a puzzle, but normally I don't think much about it.

Recently Lanie has caught on to me playing this game. I've been doing this for years, since before she was born. But it's new to her. She doesn't look the game as a puzzle. She sees it as a bunch of pretty colors. "Pretties" is how she refers to it. While I normally plow through the handful of new puzzles each day, Lanie likes to stop and admire the finished image. So I've started slowing down just a little bit. The completed puzzles do look like a somewhat odd form of art. Some of them can really be sort of beautiful.

I know that I often tend to rush through things in my life. I've been influenced by American society, which is obsessed with busyness. But slowing down helps me appreciate things more. Slowing down gives me a chance to see things from a different perspective. I wonder how much more often I could see God at work in and around me if only I'd take the time to slow down and look.

Grace and peace,

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