Monday, August 6, 2018

#94 Sometimes You Get What You Deserve

[Author's note: July was a rough month for the blog. Only 2 posts! Yikes! I'll try to be more consistent in August.]

When I was a little kid, I had nearly boundless energy. My parents and grandparents love to tell stories about how I would incessantly bounce up and down, even while doing activites that are normally pretty stationary, such as playing video games. In school I would rock back and forth in my desk, seemingly unable to sit still for even a moment. You could almost tire yourself out simply by watching me.

Now, a couple decades later, I have a child of my own. And Lanie, like many toddlers, just wants to go, go, go. This past weekend we attended my cousin Kaytlin's wedding. In between the ceremony and the reception, the guests chatted in small groups. Lanie quickly decided that wasn't fun for her. So she started running laps around a nearby group. Then she weaved in and out among the circles, happily yelling as she went. Then it was time for more circles. On and on it went. And all the while, Lanie kept looking back to make sure that I was following her because if she was going to run, I needed to come along. Round and round and in and out we went. Needless to say, I didn't get very many conversations in. But as I contentedly followed my nearly tireless daughter, I did manage to comment to my grandma and a few others who had watched me run around and around and around (and probably chased me themselves) years ago, "I guess I'm getting what I deserve."

Grace and peace,

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