Monday, April 23, 2018

#83 The Pastor as PR Person

Every once in a while I write a blog that uses an analogy to describe my job—or at least a part of my job—as pastor. This is one of those posts. I did this previously in #15, #16, and #41. (Maybe the next time I'm on vacation I'll get around to tagging and organizing these posts so you can find the other ones more easily.)

As pastor, I occassionally have to serve as public relations person. I'm seen as the public face of the congregation, so from time to time I have to make statements on behalf of the church. I experience this most often when dealing with our members who are shut in their homes or living in a care facility. Once in a while I'll hear from a child of one of these members who will let me know that it would be nice if the church thanked their mother for the offerings they send in her name, or they'll let me know that their father is feeling a little disconnected from the church now that he can't attend regularly. So I do my best to offer thanks and bring greetings and give apologies as necessary on behalf of the congregation. I also do PR-style work when I encounter community members who had a negative experience with the congregation in the past (since I haven't been around all that long, often these experiences are from before my time) and when friends and family members are appreciative of the work the church has done in setting up a special service like a funeral.

While the specific situations I've described above are pretty unique to ministry positions, representing the congregation is a way in which my job is much like any other. Anyone who deals with customers or clients is seen as a representative of their employer. So the next time you think that you have no idea what being a pastor would be like, remember that you probably understand this part of my job pretty well. Pastors: they're not all that different after all.

Grace and peace,

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