Monday, July 10, 2017

#46 You Are Not Alone

I'm the biggest Superman fan I know (unless one of my friends is holding out on me). This puts me in a sometimes frustrating position. I have all this interest and knowledge that very few of my acquaintances share or even care much about. Over the years I've had a couple of friends who enjoyed talking comics with me, and Tess—bless her heart—has patiently listened to me talk about way more Superman things than she probably even thought existed. One day in my quest for more Superman knowledge, I stumbled upon the Superman Homepage, which promised "Everything [I] ever wanted to know about the Man of Steel… and more!" Here was a whole world of Superman fans reviewing comics and movies and TV episodes, discussing Superman news, sharing opinions on favorite storylines and writers and artists. I was overjoyed. I wasn't alone. I read page after page. After a couple months I created an account using a picture from one of my favorite Superman comics: 

After a couple more months, I stepped out on a limb and sheepishly commented on an article, even though many other members seem to know WAY more about Superman than I do. And the Superman community, though far from perfect, was gracious. So I've started commenting now and again. Sometimes others disagree with my opinions, but they've been respectful, and I always seem to find somebody else who shares my point of view. It's  a lot of fun to be a part of this online community. It's such a blessing to share interests with others. And maybe, just maybe, this Superman community spares Tess from my ramblings once in a while. That would be the real victory. Until next time, up, up, and away!

Grace and peace,

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