Thursday, June 8, 2017

#42 She's a Wonder

My blog is named in honor of both a Superman comic series and TV show, so I think it's only fair if I talk about something comic-related once in a while. Last weekend I went to see Wonder Woman. The movie absolutely captivated me. I thought the main characters were great and the plot was strong. The action sequences were jaw-droppingly cool, and the music was top-notch. (I judge movie scores based on whether or not there's a moment in the film where I consciously think that the music is great in a particular scene. I had a couple of those with Wonder Woman.) At the end of the day, I generally want a movie to hold my attention and make me feel good/excited/triumphant. Wonder Woman definitely did those things.

After seeing the movie, I thought about my daughter, Lanie, and I got really excited that she's growing up in a world where a movie like Wonder Woman exists. One of the seminary lectures I remember the best is a pastoral care class where a guest speaker told us she never really felt like the Bible's words were for her until she reread a passage with feminine words instead of masculine words. (e.g. Psalm 1:1-3 [NIV 1984]: Blessed is the woman who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But her delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law she meditates day and night. She is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields in fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever she does prospers.) As a man, I admit I had never thought of that before. Of course the Bible's words are for both women and men. But sometimes we need a change of perspective to help us see that. Now comic books are much less important than God's Word. But comic books and comic book movies can be pretty terrible to women. Women can easily be portrayed simply as damsels in distress, rather helpless people who need some strong man to come and rescue them. But Wonder Woman portrays a woman who is a hero and an inspiration, a woman who is compassionate, courageous, and self-confident. Of course both women and men can be strong and heroic. But I think a movie like Wonder Woman helps us understand that better. I'm sure it's not a perfect example, but I hope it helps Lanie and me and girls and boys and women and men better see the value and power and importance of women. That would be, well, wonderful.

Grace and peace,

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